In order to become a member of Weeley Residents Association you need to be a resident of Weeley, Weeley Heath or live not further than 3 miles outside of the village borders.
Membership is currently £3 per year.
The membership year starts from the 1st March and ends on the 28th February.
Membership is renewed each year and payable on the 1st March.
We are currently updating our membership record system (Mojo) in the meantime you can either become a member at a coffee morning or a regular activity alternatively you can contact us via email at
Paying for Membership, Activities and Events
Membership subscriptions can be paid by cash, cheques and BACS with the word membership as a reference.
Activities currently £3 or £4 dependent on the activity for members. Non members are charged an additional £1.
Events such as bingo, quiz evening or other entertainment will show a ticket price for the event.
Outings will each have an individual ticket price this includes transport and activities i.e. tickets for Romford Dogs which includes the meal and table serve for betting.
BACs details Sort code 60-05-33 Account Number is 23483776, Account Name is Weeley Residents Association. Please include an event reference i.e. bingo, quiz etc